"Style sold separately"




I remember being a teenager and being absolutely obsessed with style icons such as: Aaliyah, Lil Kim, and Beyonce. Don’t get me wrong I loved Tommy Hilfiger and Baby Phat just like the next 90’s teenager but I also loved trying to replicate the outfits of my favorite stars.  It was my thing! I could even look at a design in my local neighborhood store and tell you the runway, designer, or fashion house where the look originated. This thing that started out as a fun way for me to shop for clothes as a teenager is something I incorporate every now and then even as an adult. The difference is, now there are tons of influencers and fashionistas that are just as stylish as my favorite celebs. I specifically incorporate this tactic when the seasons are changing. Currently speaking, winter is making a debut that is sooner and colder than I am use to. With that being said, I’ve decided to beef up my winter dresses. Instead of having to layer up this winter I would really like the ease of throwing on a dress and my favorite boots and heading into the office. So my google searches have been centered around how to wear a winter dress in 2022. I decide on my final looks by taking inspiration from several places and curating my wardrobe with my own taste and preferences in mind. It’s not copying, it’s researching and it has given me many fashion victories!


As the season changes, do a little research of your own. You might find it as a new innovative way to add a fun and excitement to your shopping. As I get older, it is my goal to make an investment in my wardrobe that reflects the wise, gifted, determined woman of faith that I am growing into every day. My wardrobe is not surrounded around price but around growth and influence. I want to always cause conversations that may start with clothes but go much deeper than the eye can see. That was the inspiration behind my first baby, the Christ Centered fashion label, PPPL Clothing. I wanted faith conversations to be birth from people seeing the expression of faith through fashion. Even if your clothes don’t include a bold statement of your faith or belief, they can still influence people from afar and provide inspiration.



As we go into a new year, challenge yourself to change up something about your wardrobe. Select 1-2  and pieces and slowly incorporate them into your daily looks. You don’t have to get aggressive and display everything at once….slow and consistently are just as affective. It may not seem like a big deal now but you’ll thank me later. People around you will take note of your new, defined expressions of character and will start to make their own because of an interaction with you.


Can’t wait to hear about the looks you researched and how you made them your own.


Love you all dearly!



"Fashion you can buy, but style you possess. The key to style is learning who you are, which takes years. There's no how-to road map to style. It's about self expression and, above all, attitude." —Iris Apfel